There are so many fun accessories out there for newborn photographers these days. If you are just starting out and in the process of building your studio, it can feel overwhelming trying to decide what you actually need and what you should invest in first.
As I’ve perfected my studio setup over the years, I’ve come up with a list of must-haves for every newborn session. Keep reading for the top 10 important accessories I recommend purchasing first for working with newborns. I’ve even linked each of my favorite accessories for you below!
When working with little babies, it’s important to always make sure your camera is secured to your body for safety purposes. I’ve been using this wrist strap for years and love it!
I keep this small space heater in my office and get it turned on before baby arrives to make sure they will stay nice and warm during their session. The temperature of the room is super important for making sure baby is comfortable and content! You’d get cold too if you were just a few weeks old and only wearing a diaper! 😂
I have a client closet in my studio that’s filled with a bunch of cute and neutral wraps, outfits, and accessories for baby. That way all the parents need to remember to bring is…well…the baby. Start small by purchasing just a few key pieces and build your client closet as you go! I love Studio Linzie, Blossom and Pear and Lil’ Tulips, for all the cutest baby outfits, wraps and accessories.
Investing in a baby shusher or sound machine for your studio is great for having some white noise to calm a fussy baby so you can get more of those CUTE shots of them sleeping. Trust me, you’ll thank me later on this one. This is the baby shusher I have in my studio!
I always like to keep a few pacifiers on hand for soothing fussy babies. Mom and dad might have one in the diaper bag, but more times than not it’s a super fun color that we don’t want to end up in the photos. I try to always have an aesthetic-looking pacifier in a neutral shade at the ready (this brand is my favorite) so that if needed we can continue snapping photos while they have it.
Trying to decide between a table or newborn posing bag for your studio? I highly recommend going with a newborn beanbag! They are nice and comfy and low to the ground, making them a very safe option for baby. Plus it’s super easy to add your layers of backdrop fabric right over top. I purchased my bean bag years ago off of Etsy and it has been one of the best investments I’ve made for my studio.
I highly recommend keeping a little toy corner in your studio to help keep siblings occupied after their moment in the spotlight is over. That way you can focus on baby with a little less disruptions. Bonus points for neutral and aesthetic toys incase they make it in a photo or two!
Honestly one of the most simple, yet meaningful ways to boost your client’s experience is by keeping a fully stocked changing area in your studio. A changing station, stash of wipes and diapers, and a few backup outfits incase of a blowout is really all you need. Having these things on hand can make all the difference for an overwhelmed new mama who forgot to pack extra diapers (it happens more often than you think!)
My client closet is filled with outfits for moms (and even a few for dads!) that are also bump friendly for maternity sessions. This takes the stress away from having to plan all those outfits for just one day! Plus it’s always great to have extra clothes on hand. Blow outs and spit ups happen! Now I always keep a few extra white shirts and dresses in my client closet for parents who have a wardrobe emergency thanks to baby.
This one may seem obvious, but don’t forget to keep a few cleaning supplies on hand! I like to keep plenty of cleaning wipes in my studio for sanitizing things and cleaning up messes, as well as a few lint rollers if my clients ever need one.
I hope you found this list helpful as you are prepping your studio for upcoming newborn sessions and trying to decide what to invest in first! If you have any questions about prepping your studio for the best client experience, feel free to reach out! I would love to help and share more about what has worked well for me and my business!
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