Meet Katie

Hi, i'm katie!

When I’m not photographing your life, I’m obsessing over my own. I have three kids that keep me on my toes every second of the day. I complain about missing them when we’re not together and then complain again about needing a break when we are together. Between three kids and one spoiled dog named Nala, you’d think we were operating a zoo out of our home. My husband loves to remind me that it’s okay to relax and not have a plan for every single scenario, but after my third cup of coffee I have a hard time remembering that. We’re currently in the process of teaching our kids ABCs, 123s and how to interpret my sarcasm. Check out my instagram story for all of our best bloopers.

The photographer, mom of 3 (4 if you include my husband), chaos controller, lady that occasionally shows up in a dinosaur costume

Everyday I experience a wide range of emotions as a mother. Having children changed who I am as a person. I began caring less about myself and more than I could ever imagine about these little humans that we created. I have had moments where I feel completely overwhelmed with life and moments where I feel completely overwhelmed with love. I truly want you to have these moments to look back on because let’s be real…it’s TOUGH right now. But as tough as it is, you also know that these are the best days of your life. So take the picture. Capture the moment. I promise you won’t regret it.

My family drove me into this business

In all seriousness

let's do this thing

English and Sarcasm

i can speak two languages

Get to Know Me

How good their ranch is. But for real…if it comes from a generic bottle, you ain’t the restaurant for me.

i judge a restaurant by...

You read that right. While teaching middle schoolers, I once had a student create a sass-o-meter for me. He would adjust the arrow every day based on the level of sassiness I showed up with. He may or may not have been my favorite student.

i own a sass-o-meter

Not a damn thing because these crazy kids won’t give me more than 12 seconds to myself. I do enjoy a good Bravo show or basketball game when I do have time though (yes I know how contradicting those two are, but that’s who I am)

currently binge watching...

I could eat at Billy Sushi for breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days a week, but then I’d have to file for bankruptcy. It might be worth it…

my absolute favorite food is sushi

When my husband and I go on vacation, we ALWAYS find the best bloody mary in town. We once spent an entire morning at a restaurant in La Jolla ordering 4 bloody marys each. Don’t worry, we Ubered home.

I’m a bloody mary connoisseur